Power Academy
Power Academy is switching on your faith! This e-course includes power-packed teachings by Ashley and Carlie Terradez and faith-filled guest teachers. Be empowered to activate God's Word and promises in your life.
Switching on your faith.
Power Academy is the closest thing to being personally mentored and discipled by Ashley & Carlie Terradez and other anointed ministers of the Gospel. These lessons build on each other as a curriculum. You will be empowered to receive a personal revelation of God's promises and manifest them in your life!
Power Academy courses will take you through a study of the Word of God from The Basics to Revelation! Some of the topics covered are: how to hear God’s voice, the power of the Holy Spirit, how to receive healing, practical prosperity, faith, and much more. Study notes are compiled into a convenient curriculum with a video lesson and quiz. Power Academy is made available for free by the partners of Terradez Ministries! Don't let anything hinder you from switching on your faith!
Module 1 | Lesson 1 | God is Good
Quiz | Module 1 | Lesson 1 | God is Good
Module 1 | Lesson 2 | The Life You Were Made For
Quiz | Module 1 | Lesson 2 | The Life You Were Made For
Module 1 | Lesson 3 | Meet The Real You
Quiz | Module 1 | Lesson 3 | Meet the Real You
Module 1 | Lesson 4 | The Power of the Holy Spirit
Quiz | Module 1 | Lesson 4 | The Power of the Holy Spirit
Module 1 | Lesson 5 | Grace: License to Believe
FREE PREVIEWQuiz | Module 1 | Lesson 5 | Grace: License to Believe
Module 1 | Lesson 6 | Faith Righteousness
FREE PREVIEWQuiz | Module 1 | Lesson 6 | Faith Righteousness
Module 1 | Lesson 7 | Ministry Offices & the Motivational Gifts
Quiz | Module 1 | Lesson 7 | Ministry Offices & the Motivational Gifts
Module 1 | Lesson 8 | The 9 Spiritual Gifts
Quiz | Module 1 | Lesson 8 | The 9 Spiritual Gifts
Module 2 | Lesson 1 | How to Hear the Voice of God
Quiz | Module 2 | Lesson 1 | How to Hear the Voice of God
Module 2 | Lesson 2 | Identity and Power
Quiz | Module 2 | Lesson 2 | Identity and Power
Module 2 | Lesson 3 | Hearing God's Voice
Quiz | Module 2 | Lesson 3 | Hearing God's Voice
Module 2 | Lesson 4 | Authority and Power
Quiz | Module 2 | Lesson 4 | Authority and Power
Module 2 | Lesson 5 | Obeying God's Voice
Quiz | Module 2 | Lesson 5 | Obeying God's Voice
Module 2 | Lesson 6 | Using Your Authority
Quiz | Module 2 | Lesson 6 | Using Your Authority
Module 2 | Lesson 7 | How to Hear God More Clearly
Quiz | Module 2 | Lesson 7 | How to Hear God More Clearly
Module 2 | Lesson 8 | How You Walk in Authority
Quiz | Module 2 | Lesson 8 | How You Walk in Authority
Lesson 1 | Healing Is in the Atonement
Quiz | Lesson 1 | Healing Is in the Atonement
Lesson 2 | God's Will to Heal
Quiz | Lesson 2 | God's Will to Heal
Lesson 3 | What Jesus Came to Do
Quiz | Lesson 3 | What Jesus Came to Do
Lesson 4 | Destroying the Lie of Fear
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Destroying the Lie of Fear
Lesson 5 | Meet the Healer
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Meet the Healer
Lesson 6 | The Rights of Redemption
Quiz | Lesson 6 | The Rights of Redemption
Lesson 7 | The Covenant of Healing
Quiz | Lesson 7 | The Covenant of Healing
Lesson 8 | The Power of the Healing Covenant
Quiz | Lesson 8 | The Power of the Healing Covenant
Lesson 1 | The Power of God's Word
Quiz | Lesson 1 | The Power of God's Word
Lesson 2 | The Power of Our Words
Quiz | Lesson 2 | The Power of Our Words
Lesson 3 | Faith for Healing
Quiz | Lesson 3 | Faith for Healing
Lesson 4 | Ways Jesus Healed
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Ways Jesus Healed
Lesson 5 | More Ways Jesus Healed
Quiz | Lesson 5 | More Ways Jesus Healed
Lesson 6 | The Authority To Heal
Quiz | Lesson 6 | The Authority to Heal
Lesson 7 | Mental Health
Quiz | Lesson 7 | Mental Health
Lesson 8 | Imagination
Quiz | Lesson 8 | Imagination
Lesson 1 | Ministering Healing to Others
Quiz | Lesson 1 | Ministering Healing to Others
Lesson 2 | Hearing God
Quiz | Lesson 2 | Hearing God
Lesson 3 | Principles & Preconceived Ideas
Quiz | Lesson 3 | Principles & Preconceived Ideas
Lesson 4 | Unbelief & Authority
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Unbelief & Authority
Lesson 5 | Why People Struggle to Receive Healing
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Why People Struggle to Receive Healing
Lesson 6 | Practical Pointers
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Practical Pointers
Lesson 1 | The Purpose of Prosperity
Quiz | Lesson 1 | The Purpose of Prosperity
Lesson 2 | What Is Biblical Financial Prosperity?
Quiz | Lesson 2 | What Is Biblical Financial Prosperity?
Lesson 3 | The Part We Play
Quiz | Lesson 3 | The Part We Play
Lesson 4 | Favor and Promotion
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Favor and Promotion
Lesson 5 | Stewardship
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Stewardship
Lesson 6 | Out of This World
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Out of This World
Lesson 7 | What Giving Does
Quiz | Lesson 7 | What Giving Does
Lesson 8 | Should We Tithe?
Quiz | Lesson 8 | Should We Tithe?
Lesson 9 | What Are Offerings?
Quiz | Lesson 9 | What Are Offerings?
Lesson 10 | The Purpose of Offerings
Quiz | Lesson 10 | The Purpose of Offerings
Lesson 11 | Benevolent Giving
Quiz | Lesson 11 | Benevolent Giving
Lesson 12 | Firstfruits
Quiz | Lesson 12 | Firstfruits
Lesson 13 | Limitless Harvest
Quiz | Lesson 13 | Limitless Harvest
Lesson 14 | Supernatural Wealth Transfer
Quiz | Lesson 14 | Supernatural Wealth Transfer
Lesson 15 | Supernatural Increase
Quiz | Lesson 15 | Supernatural Increase
Lesson 1 | Influencing the World
Quiz | Lesson 1 | Influencing the World
Lesson 2 | Creativity and Innovation
Quiz | Lesson 2 | Creativity and Innovation
Lesson 3 | Faithfulness
Quiz | Lesson 3 | Faithfulness
Lesson 4 | The Power of Partnership
Quiz | Lesson 4 | The Power of Partnership
Lesson 5 | Changing the Way We Think
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Changing the Way We Think
Lesson 6 | Manifesting God's Abundance
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Manifesting God's Abundance
Lesson 7 | The Power of Meditation
Quiz | Lesson 7 | The Power of Meditation
Lesson 8 | Established in God's Love
Quiz | Lesson 8 | Established in God's Love
Introduction | Revelation
Lesson 1 | An Introduction to the Book of Revelation
Quiz | Lesson 1 | An Introduction
Lesson 2 | An Overview of the Book of Revelation
Quiz | Lesson 2 | An Overview
Lesson 1 | The Beginning of the Voice of God
Quiz | Lesson 1 | The Beginning of the Voice of God
Lesson 2 | The Difference Between Prophecy & the Office of a Prophet
Quiz | Lesson 2 |The Difference Between Prophecy & the Office of a Prophet
Lesson 3 | Mastering the Experience
Quiz | Lesson 3 | Mastering the Experience
Lesson 4 | Overcoming Superstition
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Overcoming Superstition
Lesson 5 | The 4 Types of Prophecy
Quiz | Lesson 5 | The 4 Types of Prophecy
Lesson 6 | Prophecy Protocols
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Prophecy Protocols
Cathy Duplantis | Made for Victory
Quiz | Made for Victory
Godly Goal Setting | SMART Goals
Quiz | Godly Goal Setting | SMART Goals
Lesson 1 | The Scripture Is Inspired
Quiz | Lesson 1 | The Scripture Is Inspired
Lesson 2 | One True God
Quiz | Lesson 2 | One True God
Lesson 3 | The Fall and Salvation of Man
Quiz | Lesson 3 | The Fall and Salvation of Man
Lesson 4 | The Present Day Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Quiz | Lesson 4 | The Present Day Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 5 | Divine Healing
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Divine Healing
Lesson 6 | Water Baptism
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Water Baptism
Lesson 7 | The Return of Jesus Christ for His Church
Quiz | Lesson 7 | The Return of Jesus Christ for His Church
Lesson 8 | Heaven and Hell
Quiz | Lesson 8 | Heaven and Hell
Lesson 1 | The World Needs Jesus
Quiz | Lesson 1 | The World Needs Jesus
Lesson 2 | The Only Way to Righteousness
Quiz | Lesson 2 | The Only Way to Righteousness
Lesson 3 | By Grace through Faith
Quiz | Lesson 3 | By Grace through Faith
Lesson 4 | Dead to Sin
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Dead to Sin
Lesson 5 | Dead to the Law & Alive by the Spirit
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Dead to the Law & Alive by the Spirit
Lesson 6 | Grace to Jews & Gentiles
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Grace to Jews & Gentiles
Lesson 7 | Living the Righteous Life
Quiz | Lesson 7 | Living the Righteous Life
Lesson 8 | The Power of Relationships
Quiz | Lesson 8 | The Power of Relationships
Power Academy South Africa | May 22, 2021
Quiz | Power Academy South Africa | May 22, 2021
Lesson 1 | Praying in Faith
Quiz | Lesson 1 | Praying in Faith
Lesson 2 | How to Define Faith
Quiz | Lesson 2 | How to Define Faith
Lesson 3 | Getting & Staying in Faith
Quiz | Lesson 3 | Getting & Staying in Faith
Lesson 4 | Hope Vs. Faith
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Hope Vs. Faith
Lesson 5 | Head Faith Vs. Heart Faith
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Head Faith Vs. Heart Faith
Lesson 6 | Feelings Vs. God's Will
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Feelings Vs. God's Word
Lesson 1 | Introduction
Quiz | Lesson 1 | Introduction
Lesson 2 | Jehovah Jireh
Quiz | Lesson 2 | Jehovah Jireh
Lesson 3 | Jehovah Rapha
Quiz | Lesson 3 | Jehovah Rapha
Lesson 4 | Jehovah Nissi
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Jehovah Nissi
Lesson 5 | Jehovah M'Kaddesh
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Jehovah M'Kaddesh
Lesson 6 | Jehovah Shalom
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Jehovah Shalom
Lesson 7 | Jehovah Tsidkenu
Quiz | Lesson 7 | Jehovah Tsidkenu
Lesson 8 | Jehovah Shammah
Quiz | Lesson 8 | Jehovah Shammah
Lesson 1 | The Blood Covenant
Quiz | Lesson 1 | The Blood Covenant
Lesson 2 | Your Identity In Christ
Quiz | Lesson 2 | Your Identity in Christ
Lesson 3 | The Power of Positive Confession
Quiz | Lesson 3 | The Power of Positive Confession
Lesson 1 | A Heavenly Design
Quiz | Lesson 1 | A Heavenly Design
Lesson 2 | Under the Shadow of the Almighty
Quiz | Lesson 2 | Under the Shadow of the Almighty
Lesson 3 | The Visionary and the Builder
Quiz | Lesson 3 | The Visionary and the Builder
Lesson 4 | Training Up Others
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Training Up Others
Lesson 5 | The Order of Provision
Quiz | Lesson 5 | The Order of Provision
Lesson 6 | Revelation & Relationships
Quiz | Lesson 6 | Revelation & Relationships
Lesson 7 | Resources from Willing Hearts
Quiz | Lesson 7 | Resources from Willing Hearts
Lesson 8 | Fruit That Remains
Quiz | Lesson 8 | Fruit That Remains
Lesson 1 | The Basics of the Gospel
Quiz | Lesson 1 | The Basics of the Gospel
Lesson 2 | The Basics of the Gospel
Quiz | Lesson 2 | The Basics of the Gospel
Lesson 1 | What Is Faith?
Quiz | Lesson 1 | What Is Faith?
Lesson 2 | Faith Is Simple
Quiz | Lesson 2 | Faith Is Simple
Lesson 3 | Fruit of Relationship Part 1
Quiz | Lesson 3 | Fruit of Relationship Part 1
Lesson 4 | Fruit of Relationship Part 2
Quiz | Lesson 4 | Fruit of Relationship Part 2
Lesson 5 | Developing Spiritual Sight
Quiz | Lesson 5 | Developing Spiritual Sight
Lesson 6 | We Are the Variable
Quiz | Lesson 6 | We Are the Variable
Lesson 7 | Overcoming Doubt & Unbelief Part 1
Quiz | Lesson 7 | Overcoming Doubt & Unbelief Part 1
Lesson 8 | Overcoming Doubt & Unbelief Part 2
Quiz | Lesson 8 | Overcoming Doubt & Unbelief Part 2